

Contact Report 860第860次接觸報告





  • 這是一篇非正式但經授權的FIGU出版物的完整內容。(註:限英譯版)
  • 這是一篇完整內容的中譯本。
  • 本篇譯文基於「德」→「英」→「中」 而部分也嘗試直接以「德」→「中」 譯製。





資料來源:Future Of Mankind





英版譯者:DeepL Translator, Joseph Darmanin


校對改進:Joseph Darmanin



中版譯者:ChatGPT, DeepL Translator, James Hsu


分享網域:浩瀚宇宙之Billy Meier現象《第860次接觸報告》(痞客邦部落格)




一、Billy在與Plejaren 的接觸初期,曾遭受許多反對與背叛,其中除了來自外界,也不乏自己身邊的人,使他備受煎熬,身心俱疲

二、談到基督教的話題,據說在美國有人正在寫一本書,以非常精確的研究證明在以馬內利(Jmmanuel)出生大約兩百到三百年後,他的名字才被宗教改變為耶穌基督」(Jesus Christ)。而Jmmanuel這個名稱同時被錯誤地解釋為上帝之類的意思,但在更深層次上的真正含義是教師」。

三、正如先知以賽亞(Isaiah)所教導的那樣,他預言了Jmmanuel的來臨並稱他為Immanuel」,但從未稱他為上帝之子耶穌基督等等。然而,這一切後來被妄信和欺騙的人所篡改。因此,Jesus Christ從未是Jmmanuel的名字,實際上直到他去世後大約兩三百年,由於狂熱的信徒的篡改,才將這個名字賦予他,並將他冠以上帝之子的名稱,並將其塑造成聖人」,而他從來就不是




This is the entire contact report. It is an authorised but unofficial DeepL preliminary English translation and most probably contains errors. Please note that all errors and mistakes etc. will continuously be corrected, depending on the available time of the involved persons (as contracted with Billy/FIGU). Therefore, do not copy-paste and publish this version elsewhere, because any improvement and correction will occur HERE in this version!



You are here very early, as is Michael, who is back from America. Today I have a few things to tell you, which he just told me about 15 minutes ago, when he came home from America at 00:35 hrs today and we were still talking until about a quarter of an hour ago. A lot of unpleasant things happened over there in the USA when the film ‘Contact’ was shot by Americans here in the Centre at the beginning of the 1980s. There were so many nasty intrigues going on over there, as was also the case here, by various people who were working behind my back against the truth and against me. Even by members of my own group, as well as by two family members who have kept away from me for years due to the intrigues of their mother, who divorced me. Slander and lies became commonplace, as also that after about 30 years after the alleged incident – apparently with the incitement and help of a malicious Darwin fanatic from Zurich – people wanted to sue me mendaciously in court and even accuse me of evil attacks on my daughter, which was however rejected by the governor’s office or court or something, which I also have in writing and already showed Ptaah. Well, there were also people who spun quite malicious intrigues and made a nonsense of everything, such as …, which, on the contrary, was proven a hundred times over by witnesses and their observations and witnessing of the circumstances of contact with you Plejaren.

你來得真早,還有 Michael,他從美國回來了。今天我有一些事要告訴你,他大約 15 分鐘前剛告訴我的,他是今天淩晨 00:35 從美國回來的,我們一直聊到一刻鐘前。在美國,實際上在 1980 年代初,美國人在這個「中心」拍攝了影片《接觸》(Contact)時,在美國發生了很多不愉快的事情。就像在這裡也是一樣,有許多人背著我反對真相,反對我。甚至是自己小組成員,還有兩個家庭成員,他們因為他們的母親搞陰謀而與我保持距離,這已經持續了好幾年。誹謗和謊言成了家常便飯,還有,在所謂的事件發生大約 30 年後 —— 顯然是在蘇黎世的一個惡毒的達爾文狂熱分子的煽動和幫助下 —— 有人想在法庭上惡意起訴我,甚至指控我對我的女兒進行惡意的攻擊,然而,這被地方法院或法院之類的機構駁回了,我也有書面證據,並且已經給 Ptaah 看過了。還有人編織了一些非常惡意的陰謀,將一切都推向荒謬無稽之說,比如 … ,然而,這些都被證人以及他們對與你們 Plejaren 的接觸情況的觀察和經歷,已經被證實了數百次。

But there were also unbelievable lies told and also nasty deceptions committed by such people and …, as well as some who chummed themselves up in the FIGU and then drew the ‘finch line’. They even went so far as to steal my photo and film material, falsify it and claim that it had been taken by these fraudsters themselves. An American from Los Angeles, who then moved to Florida, even trundled around the world with it all the way to Germany, where he took me to court – together with a Swiss woman from Graubünden or something – after he had acquired a title of nobility. In the end, I was forbidden by the court to ever say another word about this man and his fraudulent dealings. The elegant thing is that I only found out about it when he was sued, and not by me, but by Adela and Viktor, who also paid the court costs. The same thing also happened with the French cult leader living in Switzerland in Geneva or something, who then moved from Switzerland to France with his cult followers. And the same thing happened with Doctor … in Canada, who claimed that he was married to Semjase and that she and he were, so to speak, Pleiades natives. And I will be careful not to say that I …

但也有一些人說了令人難以置信的謊話,也有一些人犯下了令人討厭的欺騙行為,像那些 … ,還有一些人在FIGU裡混得風生水起,然後逃之夭夭。他們甚至竊取了我的照片和影片材料,加以篡改,聲稱這些材料是由這些騙子自己拍攝的。一個來自洛杉磯的美國人後來搬到了佛羅里達州,他甚至帶著這些東西滿世界跑,一直跑到了德國,他在那裡與一位來自格勞賓登州(Graubünden)的瑞士女人一起,購買了一個貴族頭銜後,對我提起了訴訟。最後,法庭禁止我再提這個人和他的欺詐行為。可笑的是,我是在他被起訴時才知道這件事的,並且起訴他的不是我,而是Adela 和 Viktor,他們還支付了訴訟費。同樣的事情也發生在住在瑞士日內瓦的法國邪教頭目身上,他後來帶著他的邪教追隨者從瑞士搬到了法國。同樣的事情也發生在加拿大的 … 醫生身上,他聲稱自己和Semjase結了婚,可以說她和他都是來自昴宿星團(Pleiades)。而我要小心,不要說我 …


To tell the truth about that would not only bring you new danger, but you would have no chance whatsoever of … standing by the truth and admitting that …

說出真相不僅會給你帶來新的危險,而且你根本沒任何機會,讓 … 坦承事實並承認 …


Exactly, it is better to keep quiet. But it has always been my motto, because those who want to appear great – even if their greatness is only based on lies, deceit and boasting and wanting to be rich – never allow themselves to be taught and remain as they are. I can happily do without that.

沒錯,最好還是保持沉默。但這一直是我的座右銘,因為那些想顯得偉大的人 —— 即使他們的偉大只是建立在謊言、欺騙、自誇和想發財的基礎上 —— 也決不允許別人教導他們,而是保持自己的本色。我很樂意遠離這種情況。


That is unfortunately the case, but what I want to say: You have obviously heard a lot from Michael that you did not know and that has all happened behind your back, as you always like to say.

但我想說的是: 很顯然,你從 Michael那裡聽到了很多以前你不知道的事情,而這些都是在你背後發生的,就像你經常說的那樣。


Yes, but to talk about it openly, that would probably be wrong and not good, which is why I then tell you everything when we are purely private and don’t discuss things that would be officially mentioned in the contact reports and marked with loud dots. It is very interesting, however, that a book is being written in America by someone, as Michael said, which proves with very exact research – if I am correct in the information – that only about 200 or 300 years after Jmmanuel’s birth a religious transformation of his name into Jesus Christ took place. This, however, that earlier only and always the name Jmmanuel was mentioned and never the designation ‘Jesus Christ’, consequently all forgeries in this regard were invented only centuries later, after Jmmanuel had died in Srinagar at the advanced age of over 110 years very long after his flight from Jerusalem. Through the book and all the very precise archaeological research, etc., it is to be finally proved that everything of the name of Jesus corresponds to the untruth, the lie and the fraud of a sectarian delusion, namely a fanatically conditioned lie of faith and an equally fanatic fraud of faith and the name ‘Jesus Christ’ thus to a sectarian naming. Through the mendacious name ‘Jesus Christ’ attached to Jmmanuel, something different and contrary to what Jmmanuel really was and taught was actually claimed.

是的,但如果公開談論這些事情,那可能是錯誤的,也是不好的,因此我會在我們私下交談的時候告訴你一切,我們不會談論在接觸報告中正式提及並以點(…)標記的事情。然而,非常有趣的是,根據 Michael 的說法,在美國有人正在寫一本書,以非常精確的研究證明 —— 如果我的資訊是正確的話 —— 就在以馬內利(Jmmanuel)出生大約兩百到三百年後,他的名字才被宗教改變為耶穌基督」(Jesus Christ)。然而,早先只提到過以馬內利這個名字,從未提到過耶穌基督這個稱謂,因此直到很久以後才出現了所有這方面的偽造,這些偽造是在以馬內利從耶路撒冷逃離之後的許多世紀之後,他是在超過110歲高齡時在斯利那加(Srinagar)去世的。透過該書和所有非常精確的考古研究等,終於證明瞭「耶穌」這個名稱的一切都是虛假、謊言和宗教狂熱者的欺騙,即一個受到狂熱信仰謊言和同樣狂熱信仰詐騙的名稱,而「耶穌基督這個名稱實際上是一個宗教分子的名稱透過耶穌這個虛假的名稱,實際上是在扭曲了關於以馬內利真正身份和教導的事實

Only through this did the great lie and the great deception come into being, through which this Christianity began to dominate the believing human beings in the whole world. In this manner, other Christian sects and other religions were built up in lies and spread worldwide, contrary to what corresponded and corresponds to the effective truth, just as everything of this kind is still practised today by millions of fanatically religious human beings. However, this is not only the case in Christianity, but in all religions and sects it is not thought, but only believed. The great bulk of Earthlings, as a result of their delusion of faith, is only oriented towards illusory thinking, but not towards the only correct and independent, reality-true and thus true self-determined thinking, without the influence of a faith. Thus the majority of Earthlings believe in ‘God’, ‘higher beings’, ‘gods’, ‘angels’, ‘saints’ and other fantasy figures, imaginary ghosts and other nonsense, which does not correspond to reality and its truth. Because of this delusion, the human beings’ senses are directed to perceive ghostly things, voices, apparitions, touches, etc., which are not real but self-generated and imagined, but which are then believed to be real.


Now, the naming of Jmmanuel was always and from the very beginning alone correct, but not the false and invented naming ‘Jesus Christ’. Jmmanuel’s name was already in use since ancient times, i.e. at the time of the original Hebrews, who were called ‘Ebraya’, and of which the distant descendants, today’s believers in the Jews, no longer know anything, because there are absolutely no more traditions about it. This people was led at that time by a rather deep black African called ‘Avian’ in the land of ‘Pecht’. The original leader was a very distant Negrid descendant of a very small black-skinned Plejaren group that settled in Africa more than 13,500 years ago as immigrants and mixed with Earth’s humanity, but kept away from the foreigners, so that they never noticed that Plejaren were on this world. The foreigners, who had been on Earth for a very long time and whose distant homeland was 8 or 9 light-years away from our world, did not realise the presence of the few Plejaren, whose descendants died out completely in the course of time. The original Hebrews, as already mentioned, lived in the land of ‘Pecht’, which was east of the Mediterranean, and they were a nomadic tribe who called their African leader ‘Avian’ ‘Avrahm’. This probably gave rise over time to the name Abram in other languages – I don’t know, but it seems obvious to me. This name was later changed, but I don’t know when, because according to tradition it was first written without an H, i.e. ‘Abram’, then it became ‘Abraham’. As I still know, the name ‘Avram’ originally meant ‘father of many nations’. At least that is what Sfath explained to me.

從一開始到現在,「Jmmanuel」(中譯為“以馬內利”而後續譯文視語意狀況將中英文交替使用)這個名字一直是正確的,但虛假且捏造的名稱耶穌基督則不是。Jmmanuel的名字在很久以前就開始使用,即在最初的希伯來人(Hebrews)的時代,他們被稱為「Ebraya」,而現代的猶太信仰者已經不再知道這些事情,因為沒有任何相關的傳承存在。當時,這個族群由一位名叫「Avian」的深黑色非洲人領導,他們居住在名為「Pecht」的土地上。這個古老的族群領袖是一位遙遠的黑皮膚後裔,他來自一個非常小的黑皮膚 plejarischen(星際種族名)小團體,該團體在超過一萬三千五百年前作為移民定居在非洲,並與地球人混居在一起,但與外來者保持距離,因此這些外來者從未察覺到這個星際種族在這個世界上。那些外來者已經在地球上很長時間了,他們遠方的故鄉距離我們的世界有八或九光年,但他們並沒有意識到少數星際種族的存在,這些種族在時間的流逝中完全消失了。正如前面所說,最初的希伯來人居住在東地中海以東的「Pecht」地區,他們是一個遊牧的民族,他們稱他們的非洲領袖為「Avian」,但之後變為「Avrahm」。這個名字在其他語言中稍後被改變,我不確定確切的時間,但據傳統說法,最初它是沒有「H」的,即「Abram」,然後演變成「Abraham」。據我所知,名稱「Avram」最初的意思是「眾多民族的父親」。至少Sfath是這麼向我解釋的。

So this was the name used by the ancient resp. the primitive Hebrews, as later also the name Jmmanuel, although it was not written with a ‘J’ but with an ‘I’, as it was also wrongly defined as ‘God is’ or so, but correctly had and has the meaning ‘teacher’ in the deepest sense. This, as the prophet Isaiah already taught, who prophesied Jmmanuel and also called him ‘Immanuel’, but never ‘Son of God’ or ‘Jesus Christ’ etc., which, however, happened thoroughly later by delusional liars and deceivers, consequently the name Jmmanuel was falsified by religious fanatics to ‘Jesus Christ’. This name has been preserved ever since, because it has always been used as a result of the lies and deception, and no one has ever asked whether the name is correct or not. The brazen lie of the falsification of the name ‘Jesus Christ’ could not be proven by the people, because at that time the people in all countries on Earth were not yet knowledgeable of the Scriptures and very uneducated – which is also often the case today with many human beings who are simply called illiterate and stupid – consequently they did not think for themselves, but only believed. So these human beings were only ‘illusory thinkers’ and could not fathom what the real truth was. So ‘Jesus Christ’ was never Jmmanuel’s name, but this was truthfully attributed to him only about 200 or 300 years after his death by fanatical believers and with this new naming stamped the ‘Son of God’ and made into a ‘saint’, which he never was.

這就是古老或最初的希伯來人所使用的名稱,之後也使用了Jmmanuel這個名稱,但寫作「I」而非「J」,同時被錯誤地解釋為上帝之類的意思,但在更深層次上的真正含義是教師」。這就像先知以賽亞(Isaiah)所教導的那樣,他預言了Jmmanuel的來臨並稱他為Immanuel」,但從未稱他為上帝之子耶穌基督等等。然而,這一切後來被妄信和欺騙的人所篡改,因此Jmmanuel的名稱被宗教狂熱分子改成「耶穌基督」(Jesus Christ)。這個名稱自此以來一直存在,因為由於謊言和欺騙,它一直被使用,從未有人質疑名稱的真實性。對於人們來說,名稱變化「耶穌基督」的厚顏無恥的謊言是無法證明的,因為在那個時代,人們在地球上的各個國家還不瞭解寫作,非常缺乏教育 —— 這也在今天的許多人中仍然如此,他們只被稱為文盲和蠢人 —— 所以他們並不會思考,只是盲目地相信。因此,這些人只是「虛幻的思考者」,無法理解真正的事實。因此,Jesus Christ從未是Jmmanuel的名字,實際上直到他去世後大約兩三百年,由於狂熱的信徒的篡改,才將這個名字賦予他,並將他冠以上帝之子的名稱,並將其塑造成聖人」,而他從來就不是


That is correct, but since you have spoken of the early immigrants from one of our worlds, as of the foreigners from whom even our very distant ancestors kept aloof, let me remind you of what you were instructed to do by the committee when you …

沒錯,但既然你提到了早期移民者來自我們的世界之一,就像那些已經被我們遠古的祖先所遠離的外星人一樣,我想提醒你,當你 …


… you shall not speak of this, as we agreed. Not everything has to be said, because there are only a lot of questions that are not supposed to be answered, so it is better to be silent. Besides, malicious people also turn it into lies again.

… 我們說好的,你不能說。不是什麼都得說,因為那只會引來許多本不需要回答的問題,所以最好保持沉默。此外,心懷惡意的人還會從中捏造謊言。


Yes, of course. Sometimes … well, I was a bit hasty with my words. Sometimes one speaks without paying particular attention to prudence or what was once discussed. Excuse me, please, for being … … …

是的,當然。有時候 … 嗯,我說話有點草率。有時說話沒有特別注意謹慎或之前商定的事情。對不起,我為我的 … 道歉。


It is good, I also feel that way sometimes. Sometimes you don’t realise until it is too late that you have said one word too many. It is human nature. On the other hand, I know what I was told, that it should be pointed out worldwide – by a separate special announcement – that you resp. you Plejaren have nothing to do with the foreigners and their UFOs. However, this very thing has been mentioned 2 or 3 times recently in our conversations, which is why I think it should actually suffice.

沒關係,我有時也會這樣。有時候,自己說了太多的話,才意識到為時已晚。這是人之常情。另一方面,我知道有人跟我說過,應該在全世界內 —— 通過一個單獨的特別公告 —— 指出你們,也就是Plejaren,與這些外星人和他們的UFO沒有任何關係。不過,最近在我們的談話中已經提到過兩三次了,所以我認為這樣就足夠了。


While it is correct that this has been talked about, the committee now finds it imperative – as you should be aware – that it has ordered something specific in this regard. Namely, so that no misunderstandings arise, that we Plejaren have nothing whatsoever to do with the so-called UFOs and their crews. We Plejaren keep away from them and also do not allow Earth-humans to observe us through the appearance of our flying apparatus in the airspace. We also do not allow ourselves to be located, observed or otherwise elicited by the foreigners in any manner, which has been so held since time immemorial, for we Plejaren are not interested in any life-forms from this Dern universe realm entering the realm of our Ankar universe realm of Creation.

雖然已經談過這個問題,但理事會現在認為必須 —— 你應該知道 —— 在這方面下達一些具體的命令。也就是說,為了避免產生誤解,我們Plejaren人與所謂的UFO及其中的成員沒有任何關係。我們Plejaren與這些相關的事物保持距離,也不會讓地球人透過我們的飛行器在空中觀察到我們。同樣我們也不會被這些外星人所追蹤、觀察或以其他方式追查,這是自古以來都是如此。因為我們Plejaren並不希望這個Dern(暫譯為「德恩」)宇宙中的任何生命形式進入我們Ankar(暫譯為「安卡」)宇宙的「創世宇宙」(Creation)領域。


I understand that, but what I am sure will not be understood by all who then read your statement in the contact report when I retrieve it, write it down and it is then circulated on the net. Therefore, it is probably necessary to explain that the Creation contains within itself 7 universes, each of which has a different present dimension, whereby each of these universes has its own material belt resp. cosmos. Even the infinitely many Creations that ‘float’ in the nothingness space of the Nihilo, which is inconceivable to the human beings – as also the DAL-sister universe of our universe, like ours of the same kind – have a cosmos resp. material belt that is constantly changing and also inexorably expanding. However, all higher and more developed forms of Creation – which will also be our Creation one day – still have 7 universes with 7 levels resp. dimensions each, but no longer a material belt, but special levels of development. In this form, the materialless resp. cosmos-less Creation universes exist and develop in ‘Timeless Duration’ up to the ‘Absolute Absolutum’, then further over all other Absolutum forms resp. Absolutum universes resp. Absolutum Creations resp. Absolutum levels up to the SEIN-Absolutum. From the lowest level up to the highest, to the SEIN-level, as I list it here:

我明白,但肯定不是所有人都會理解,當他們讀到你在接觸報告中的陳述,當我把這些報告接收、記錄下來並在網上分享時。因此,也許有必要解釋一下,「創世宇宙」(Creation)本身包含七個宇宙,每個宇宙都有不同的現存維度,每個宇宙都有自己的物質帶或宇宙空間。無限多的創世宇宙,存在於人類難以想像的「虛無」(Nihilo)空間中,像我們宇宙的DAL(暫譯為「達爾」)姊妹宇宙,同樣擁有一個不斷變化並且不斷擴張的宇宙區域或物質區域。然而,所有更高級和更進化的創世宇宙 —— 有一天也會成為我們的創世宇宙 —— 仍然有七個宇宙,每個宇宙有七個層次和維度,但不再是物質帶,而是特殊的發展層次。在這種形式中,無物質(materialless)或無宇宙(cosmos-less)的創世宇宙在「永恆的時間過程」(Timeless Duration)中存在和發展,直到「純粹的絕對空間」(Absolute Absolutum),然後進一步超越所有其他絕對形式和絕對宇宙以及絕對創世和絕對層次。從最低層到最高層,我在這裡列出了這些層次:

  1. SEIN Absolutum


  1. SOHAR Absolutum


  1. Super-Absolutum


  1. Creation Absolutum


  1. Central Absolutum


  1. Ur-Absolutum


  1. Absolute Absolutum


From the ‘Absolutum’ emerged the first 49 simple Creations, which have seven (7) belts as the lowest forms of Creation, one of which corresponds to the material belt resp. the cosmos, which is generally known to human beings as the visible universe with all its galaxies, nebulae, comets, meteors, suns, planets and moons, etc.




How you are able to describe everything through words never ceases to amaze me.



Sfath has just taught me this so that I should explain correctly. But something else: Our earthly scientists always know why and where the pathogens of diseases actually come from. Various prehistorians, but mainly UFO researchers in this field, even believe that extraterrestrials have brought all kinds of viruses, bacteria and microbes to Earth with asteroids and comets or would bring them again and again to exterminate the Earthlings. A sick, stupid assumption and supposition that is, of course, not true. When, for example, about 82,000 years ago a rampantly spreading disease plagued the Earth and covered it with death and destruction, as I was able to experience with Sfath, the viruses that caused the whole thing did not come from outer space and were also not brought here by extraterrestrials with asteroids or comets, etc., but as a result of a transformation of the Earth’s soil, in which dangerous viruses were present that wiped out a great deal of life on Earth. In the soil and in glacier ice, as well as in the polar ice of the Arctic and Antarctic and in the waters of the seas and land, there are living beings that doze away in rigidity and quickly awaken to life when they are released from rigidity in the ice or otherwise. These are then also spread far and wide by the wind or the waters, for example, just as they are carried by human beings or by animals, beasts or other living beings, and cause rampant spreading diseases, epidemics or pandemics, as will happen this month, for example, if I am not mistaken in time, in countries towards the Far East, where dengue fever will break out.

Sfath曾經教導過我,要我正確地解釋。但是說另外一個事情:我們地球上的科學家總是知道為什麼和從哪裡來的疾病病原體。不同的史前學家,尤其是與不明飛行物相關的研究者,甚至相信外星人帶來各種病毒、細菌和微生物,通過小行星和彗星帶到地球,或者一直在帶來,以滅絕地球人。這是一個病態且荒謬的假設和猜測,當然不成立。例如,大約8萬2,000年前,一種傳染病折磨著地球,帶來死亡和毀滅,正如我與Sfath一起經歷的,引起整個事件的病毒並不是來自太空,也不是通過外星人用小行星或彗星之類的方式引導到地球上的,而是由於土地的轉變暴露,其中存在危險的病毒,這些病毒摧毀了地球上的大部分生命。在土壤和冰川冰中,以及北極和南極的極地冰中,以及海洋和陸地的水中,都有生物在靜止中徘徊,當它們從冰層或其他地方的靜止狀態中釋放出來時,很快就會甦醒過來。然後,這些生物也會隨風或海水傳播到很遠很遠的地方,但也可能被人類或動物、野獸或其他生物傳播,引發疫情、流行病或大流行病,例如,如果我沒有記錯時間的話,本月就會在遠東國家爆發登革熱(dengue fever)。

[中譯者註:登革熱疫情持續升溫,台灣目前已有14個縣市出現疫情,全國本土病例數突破2000例,死亡個案新增1例,而境外移入病例今年累計已達116例。(資料來自《中央廣播電台》2023-08-22 15:52新聞)]

Well, I saw bacteria, viruses and microbes resp. micro-organisms of all kinds and species, which Sfath explained to me in detail, as well as even tinier ones, which are not yet known to the Earthling scientists today, as they are not even suspected by them in this tininess. I even saw living and moving creatures in the ice, like ice worms, as I call them, which actually lived deep in the ice and also moved. And at least a large proportion of these bacteria, viruses and micro-organisms, and various much tinier life-forms of many genera and species, which languish in rigidity, cause disease and suffering in human beings, animals and the creatures, as well as in other life-forms. This has been happening since time immemorial, especially since that time when the Earthling, as a result of the loosening of sexual morals, has been driving up its population and, through the machinations of overpopulation, destroying and annihilating the planet, nature, all ecosystems and thus the waters, all nature and thus also the fauna and flora. This, just as the atmosphere has been poisoned and continues to be poisoned, which ultimately provoked and brought about climate change. Many things have already been destroyed, thousands of plants, animals, creatures and all kinds of other life-forms have been completely wiped out in nature, as is also happening in Ukraine as a result of the war, although no one thinks of this, nor of the fact that the war is undoubtedly being waged in the background by America in its delusion of hegemony. This, however, is not perceived by the stupid governments of many countries, especially those who supply weapons to Zelensky or who advocate or themselves initiate sanctions against Russia.

現在,我看到了各種各樣的細菌、病毒和微生物,以及Sfath詳細解釋給我看,還有一些更小的,地球科學家如今還不知道的,甚至在這種微小程度上也不會被他們猜測到。我還看到了在冰中生活和移動的生物,就像我稱之為的冰蟲(ice worms),它們實際上生活在冰中並且也能移動。至少其中的大部分處於靜止狀態的細菌、病毒和微生物以及許多更小的不同種類和類型的生物會在人類、動物、昆蟲和其他生物中引發疾病和痛苦。這種情況自古以來就一直存在,尤其是自從地球人因性道德鬆散而增加了人口,通過過度人口增長的手段,摧毀了地球、大自然、所有生態系統以及水域、整個自然界,以及野生動植物。這導致了大氣層的毒害,並將繼續毒害,最終引發和造成了氣候變化。這已經摧毀了許多事物,自然界中數不勝數的植物、動物、昆蟲和其他各種生物完全滅絕,就像在烏克蘭的戰爭中所發生的一樣,然而沒有人想到這一點,也沒有人想到戰爭無疑是由美國在其霸權主義的背景下引導的。然而,許多國家的愚蠢政府,尤其是那些向澤倫斯基提供武器或主張或自己發起對俄羅斯制裁的國家的政府,並沒有意識到這一點。


This is unfortunately the case, and it is usually because the leaders of many countries and their supporters from the nations, in their stupidity, do not realise that America’s leaders and shadow leaders, as well as the part of the population that supports everything, are riddled with criminal machinations. However, if America is closely examined and judged in terms of its leaders and their supporters from the people, then it can be seen without a doubt that America is a state of degenerated extremes, of injustice, of hegemony and of all crime. And this is beginning in the leadership of the state itself, as well as in that section of the people who are infested with the like of governance and shadow governance. Equally, this is true of NATO, which is truly helpless without America’s leadership and is led by America’s powerful.



This is not to be denied, although unrealistic pseudo-thinkers do not see this and also deny it, such as this one, namely … from Japan, who exalts the murderous organisation NATO to the heavens and is of the mistaken belief that it fights for the achievement of peace. In his belief in NATO, he does not see and does not recognise the truth, just as the rulers and parts of the populations of various states, such as Germany in particular and the other European states, which unfortunately also include Switzerland.

這是不可否認的,儘管那些不切實際的偽思想家看不到這一點,並且否認它,例如這位來自日本的 … ,他讚揚著謀殺組織北約,並且誤認為北約是為實現和平而戰。他相信北約,卻看不到也不承認真相,就像各個國家的統治者和部分民眾一樣,尤其是德國和其他歐洲國家,很遺憾,其中也包括瑞士。


That does not exactly earn you friends, namely with what you say, because even in your homeland this is not gladly heard by certain state leaders and members of the authorities, as well as by the sections of the population that support them and the misguided America-friendly ones.



I know that, but truth remains truth, and that is also the case when the wrong people are in charge, even though as believers and pseudo-thinkers they cannot even think as far as the end of their noses. That is why so many human beings have died worldwide from the untested Corona vaccinations and others have suffered, become ill and even crippled for life from these criminally carried out vaccinations, for which only monetary gain was the real reason. But the culpability of the fallible rulers in many countries goes even further, for they have completely dismissed the danger of the Corona rampantly spreading disease, even though it has not yet been 100 per cent combated and disappeared, consequently it may break out again and claim many victims once more.



Unfortunately, you are right.



I know that myself, that is why I say it, but all those don’t say it who think they are educated and clever, but in reality they are just incredibly pathetic and stupid. They nevertheless hold high positions in governments and down to the lowest authorities. They squat in all kinds of offices and hold them in their stupidity and arrogance and only hypocritical thinking and believing that they are great, wise and absolutely irreplaceable.



Which, unfortunately, is indeed the case in this world. But one question: Were you and Sfath once on the road and did you …

很遺憾,這在這個世界上確實是事實。但有一個問題:你和Sfath是否曾經在外出的路上,並且曾有 …


Yes, by now it is known to terrestrial astronomy, I know, and to my knowledge the Earthling astronomers have also discovered this one, and it is called by them … or something. But I am to keep quiet about that and not give out any infomation.

是的,而且據我所知,地球的天文學家已經發現了這個,並將其稱為 … 什麼的。但我要對此保持沉默,不能透露任何資訊。


I guess the silence doesn’t apply to me, consequently I guess you can give me information about it.



Of course, it was only referred to Earthlings by Sfath that I should remain silent. And he also said at the time that … Don’t …

當然,Sfath只是對地球人說我應該保持沉默。他當時還說 … 不要 …


… then you can give me information about it.

… 那你可以向我提供相關資訊。


Of course, I can. But now I have some things I would like to talk to you about in private, because it is really not for everyone’s ears.



Then speak.



It is that I might talk about it openly, if …

也許我會公開談論,如果 …






